Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm here to talk about ICE CREAM.

Hi blog. I'm sorry I've neglected you for months and months. There are things I've wanted to write, yet when it came to writing them, I just didn't quite go through with it. I've actually wanted to write a lot about learning street dance in Sapporo, but it's kind of a niche thing that would probably bore my friends who are reading this (but could be interesting to random dancer people outside of Japan, if they were to come across this?).

But today, I went to Baskin-Robbins. OR, as I should say, SA-TEE-WAN (thirty-one), which seems to be catchier to folks over here than what we refer to it as in the States.

Speaking of, I went to BR/31/SAAA-TEEEEeee probably like only 2-3 times ever in Japan, and one of these times involved getting a crepe. That's right, unlike the States, Japan, with its love affair with European desserts, can't let them feel left out at an American ice cream chain. Because Japanese sweets are serious business. Suck on that, USA. And no, getting rid of Osama Bin Laden does not make up for your lack of crepes.

ANYWAY. Today, I once again experienced the joy of BR today, and their flavor of the month was annin doufu. It's based on this popular dessert that's really, really been my thing lately. So not surprisingly, it was super delicioooooouuuussssss. I guess I can't really elaborate any further.

BR describes it as (in my questionable translation):

We take annin doufu as it is, with its creamy, melt-in-your mouth flavor, and turned it into ice cream. We added aromatic, fresh sweet mango ribbon and texture-rich pineapple - this elegant flavor is rich yet leaves you with a refreshing aftertaste.

So BR in Japan is awesome for some great flavors based on old dessert favorites here you can't find stateside, such as matcha green tea, red bean and muscat. Which every foreigner and their mom in Japan has probably blogged about already.

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